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Welcome to Welsh Triathlon

Welsh Triathlon is the National Governing Body (NGB) for triathlon in Wales. It is run by a voluntary board and is bound by its articles.

The Welsh Triathlon Board is charged with running the sport of triathlon in Wales. It has articles which it has to abide by and the committee must manage the affairs of Welsh Triathlon to ensure that all funded money is used appropriately. 

National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) have three main areas which they are responsible for – governance, performance and domestic. 


The Board meet 6 times a year to manage the affairs of Welsh Triathlon. Each November it holds its Annual General Meeting to present reports to membership and appoint the committee. 


Finding, nurturing and producing successful athletes is an important activity for any sport. Welsh Triathlon has a structured pathway to identify talented  young athletes and develop them into highly competitive triathletes able to meet the British Triathlon Performance Pathway standards. The ultimate aim is to become medal winners at major games.


The Welsh Triathlon Board seeks to provide a platform for all its members, be they  beginners or established Age-Group athletes. It looks to encourage members to become volunteers, technical officials, coaches and race organisers. Without committed people the sport would be impossible to run. 

Our Values

Welsh Triathlon works to promote excellence and create opportunities for everyone to achieve their personal triathlon challenges.

Welsh Triathlon as a Home Nation member of British Triathlon adheres to the vison and values outlined by British Triathlon for all of its organisations and  for the governance of Triathlon. These are summarised below:

  • Fair Play
  • Respect
  • Consistency and Transparency
  • Embrace Change
  • Encourage High Aspirations
  • Recognise Success
  • Environmentally Conscious.

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