
Triathlon Cymru Club of the Year 2023


Merthyr Triathlon Club

Club of the Year 2023

This award is to recognise clubs that are friendly, welcoming, and fun. We want to know what makes the club outstanding, how it supports their members, and how it has developed volunteers to support them in their role.


Winner – Merthyr Triathlon Club


Merthyr Triathlon Club’s open door policy invites people from all walks of life into the active lifestyles that comes as part of triathlon. With a large range of sessions such as strength and conditioning, pool and open water, social run/bike rides, Zwift, the club offers something for everyone. The club also promotes the local area and surrounding valleys by arranging meet-ups in local coffee shops and bike shops to help businesses stay afloat in the difficult climate. Inviting and investing in individuals, Merthyr Tri Club provides a safe space where every member is part of the family.

"The Club’s friendly and open approach invites so many aspiring athletes not only into the club but also into the sport itself. It is evident that the club cares about its committee, members, the local area and the environment. Huge congratulations to Merthyr Tri Club on this well-deserved award and thank you for your contribution to Triathlon" – Rhian Williams, Participation Officer


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