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Triathlon Cymru's Sustainability Award 2023


Always Aim High Events

Sustainability Award 2023

Winner – Always Aim High Events

Always Aim High Events is Triathlon Cymru’s winner of the Sustainability Award for a second year in a row. They continue to put sustainability at the heart of their events and are committed to reducing their impact on the environment. Always Aim High promote and implement a strict no littering policy, cupless races, single use plastic bottle ban, locally sourced slate finisher medals. They also introduced some exciting environmental initiatives such as Tees for Trees – no longer offering free t-shirts as a race memento other than to Legend Athletes who are given the choice of planting trees instead of a free finisher t-shirt. With Director Nigel part of the Sustainability Commission, we think Always Aim High are doing a fantastic job of educating anyone that comes to race or spectate at their events, spreading the word and doing their bit for the environment.

"Always Aim High set a leading example of the work that can be done to make a positive impact on the environment. This is a prevalent issue within our sport and sport in general. Always Aim High are continuously implementing new initiatives but also promoting these to and inspiring others to take steps towards protecting the planet. Congratulations on winning this well deserved award for the second year!” – Peter Pain, Events Officer

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